Welcome to the page for the Only Mages Guild. This is an Ultima Online guild, on the free shard Paradise Found. You may find the menu just below this message of use if you're looking for a certain post or topic. Also, this post may be of use to you if you're a bit lost on what this page is about.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Guys, if I don't get this out there I'm just going to explode.

NPF Control Slot Tier List:
  1. Mirror Image
  2. Mirror Image
  3. Mirror Image
  4. Mirror Image
  5. Mercenary
  6. Evo Whatevers
  7. 0.00001% of Tamed creatures
  8. Nothing
  9. Nature's Fury summon
  10. 99.9999% of Tamed creatures

 There. Now maybe I can stop rolling that one around the back of my mind for another few months. No more Taming forum posts for me.