Welcome to the page for the Only Mages Guild. This is an Ultima Online guild, on the free shard Paradise Found. You may find the menu just below this message of use if you're looking for a certain post or topic. Also, this post may be of use to you if you're a bit lost on what this page is about.

Monday, April 21, 2014


So anyone that takes note of the very sporadic updating might have guessed that I'm pretty much retired from NPF at this point. My account is still active, but I haven't logged in for more than however long it takes to collect a smithing and tailoring BOD in months, and even that happens about monthly at best. I haven't put any dedicated time into NPF in maybe a year or more. It's more than possible that the shard has had updates that would appeal to me, but seeing as they're rarely posted about on the forums, I wouldn't even know.

I also have a bit of trouble caring, but that's more about my growing disinterest with UO as a whole rather than NPF itself. Granted, NPF hasn't had much appeal to me in a long while since I feel like I "finished" it,  but I'm getting more and more unimpressed with UO free shards in general. They seem to fall into one of a few categories; shards that run pre-UO:R, shards that run fully custom (read:OP as balls) RP, and shards that may have good ideas but can't attract the population to drive things. It's very difficult to find a shard that is reasonably customized/thought-out, has a skill cap, and has a decent staff and/or population. It's getting tiresome trying to find a shard that feels comfortable and isn't completely stupid.

I don't mean insult any of the shards out there; I've tinkered with different shard software over the years and I know how much time and effort goes into making something your own and implementing ideas. Lots of shards out there have some really impressive features, but on the whole just don't appeal to me.

As far as what will happen to this place, I can say for sure that I won't take it down. I've put a good bit of time into it over the years and it would be a waste to just throw away. Whether or not I'll re-design/re-purpose it into something else remains to be seen. I don't really have any game interests at the moment that are worth making a site over; I do a bit of Binding of Issac, Spelunky, and the like, but those are covered well enough by now that there's no need of it. I started this place as both a guide for new people wanting to do Mage on NPF and as an archive/thinking space for myself. Maybe BoI: Rebirth will see some time here, but I have my doubts. We'll see when I remember I haven't updated this place in another few months, I suppose.

ETA: Disregard that, I'm totally going to be doing TOME stuff here. The major reason I went Mage on NPF instead of the Ninja-Whatever-Archer I intended at start was because it was the least common style of play. As it turns out, many people playing TOME seem to hate Archer. I flove it. My two winners were Archers and I have the idea of trying to get a winner with every race, so that might be something that I make a project; whether that will be here or on a similar Tome/Archer themed version of this site remains to be seen, but that's what you should expect from me in the future. If you're not already playing TOME, you should do so (unless you can't handle difficult rogue-likes).

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