Welcome to the page for the Only Mages Guild. This is an Ultima Online guild, on the free shard Paradise Found. You may find the menu just below this message of use if you're looking for a certain post or topic. Also, this post may be of use to you if you're a bit lost on what this page is about.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Didn't Take a Year

Yes, it has taken me forever to update this place. I would like to say it's because I was busy, but that's not entirely true. A lot has happened since the last update. Just a quick list:

-120 Animal Taming: Check
-120 Tinkering: Check
-New equipment gathered: Check
-Missed pretty much every auction, including one with custom spellbooks: Check

Oh, and in more major Paradise news, the shard did a major upgrade that added all content up to High Seas. What does that mean for us? Well, rampant bug squashing for the moment, but also new creatures, artifacts, tames, Gargoyle characters and items, and three new skills. Old content has also felt some changes, some good and some bad. I'll be updating some older pages here with any changes or detailing things on entirely new pages in the very near future.