(or, I do this disappearing thing way too much)
So a few months ago, shortly after my previous post here actually, I had the lovely experience of a full-stop computer crash. I do have another laptop, but it is quite old and the display is buggy so I have to use an external monitor with it, making it a poor fit for playing UO on (and as I later learned, pretty harmful to my neck). I wasn't in too much of a rush to fix my gaming box because, honestly, I could stand to be less distracted by gaming and I still had a computer around to get the things done that needed to get done (like logging in to PF just often enough to keep my accounts alive).
That's all well and good as a hypothesis.
As it turns out, I actually shouldn't be gaming less. My stress level without gaming of some flavor is really high. Playing and theorycrafting about games are both equally useful to me as stress relief. So with that, and the previously mentioned neck issue, in mind, I got a new laptop. I resisted UO for a while because having to put a mouse on a laptop takes away a bit of the portability that is nice about them, but I've finally caved and even played a bit last night.
It's nice to be back on PF and ambling away time on silly things like personal character goals and stat counting. I see that I have a few drafted posts here that I never finished and there are a few topics I have in mind to add, so I'll probably work on that more than I will actually play on PF for a while.