Welcome to the page for the Only Mages Guild. This is an Ultima Online guild, on the free shard Paradise Found. You may find the menu just below this message of use if you're looking for a certain post or topic. Also, this post may be of use to you if you're a bit lost on what this page is about.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Valishan's Goals

       One of the things I love about UO, and that PF does very well, is that it's really sandbox-y. There are in-game quests, but ultimately what you do depends on you, the player. Even with every skill at GM and some above, it is me, the player, that makes Valishan a mage rather than a tamer, warrior, or bard.

As nice as sandbox mode is, it's also a double-edged sword. Once the player does what they wanted to do from the start, they're at the mercy of needing continual goals. If, for example, what you really wanted to do when you made your character on PF was get to GM Magery/Med/Eval so you could e-bolt things, once you hit that goal you either have to find a new goal or you lose interest in the game/shard.

This is one of my biggest problems. I started with the plan in mind that I would play Valishan more like a Rogue/Ninja/Archer type because I used this name for a character like that in another game and I'd never played on a UO shard with ML content and Ninjitsu. That plan quickly changed when I saw just how cliche that type of character is on PF (also the want for e-bolting).

The new plan to play mage was emphasized even more when I saw just how counter-balanced the shard is towards mages. Yes, Mages are very powerful, but gear and rule wise we are at a pretty harsh disadvantage. I took this on both because at heart I honestly love UO mages more than any other playstyle and also because I wanted to succeed at it in spite of the disinterest the shard seems to have for mages.

Success in UO is really hard to define, however. I never really sat down to plan out what accomplishments would ultimately mean Valishan had succeeded. Which leads us to the point of this long-winded post...

Valishan's Goals
    Valishan's top goal, above all, is hitting 300 Intelligence without losing out on other important mods (ie, the casting mods). I know it is possible thanks to math and UOGuide, but this also assumes that all of the items necessary are found in PF. This is honestly what I was planning out from the start, and I feel it should be the goal that trumps all others. But of course, there are more.

1) Skill goals
    * Getting the mage-related powerscrolls: Magery, Necromancy, Spellweaving, Mysticism, and Imbuing. Alchemy and Inscription are also important to me.
   * Secondary to that, getting the 120s for Music, Peace, and Animal Lore are also on the list.

2) Item goals
   I've accomplished most of these already since much of what I wanted at the start currently makes up my suit. There are a few, however.
   * Transmuter (because I don't like the pirate hat look)
   * Lt. Britannian Royal Guard Sash
   * Illustrious Wand of Thundering Glory
   * Perfect +15 Resisting Spells spellcrafted jewelry
   * Paradise Reading Glasses (Because really, who doesn't have this on their list?)
   * Scrapper's Compendium (currently uncraftable)
   I also have a couple secondary goals, things that I'm not entirely hot for but I wouldn't mind having. There aren't as many of these, but I'm more likely to add to this list than the above.
   * Cloak of Humility
   * Fallen Mystic's Spellbook
   * My Book talisman that doesn't lack Inscription bonus
   * Merlin robe/kimono/cloak complete set

3) Creature goals
   aka who I still need to kill.
   * Gwenno, because I'm not sure a mage can even do it thanks to that HP fireball.

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