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Friday, March 2, 2012

New Toy for Stat Geeks

So this is the new "armor totalizer" that we have on PF. I wasn't playing when the quest for it was installed, but we've had the command to use it for a good while now. To get it, one has to do a very simple fetch quest in Fel Brit (which I won't spoil), and upon finishing your [armor command will finally do something for you.

The only thing I have to note about this is that it reads the information straight from the item description. This only matters in the case of the Undead Chest and Undead Leggings, both of which have hidden stats that aren't counted here. My str/int/mana bonus counts should be a bit higher than it reads here. Otherwise, it works perfectly as far as I've seen.

Long before this came around, I was using spreadsheets to track my item totals. This is much easier to read, less tedious to update, and otherwise nice to verify that I'm counting and adding right on my sheets.

It also really highlights some issues I've gotten with my gear due to updates, such as the extra 35% SDI that is doing nothing for me. My luck is also really low now, and apparently that matters because a recent change made it so that terragon drops take luck into account and spellcrafting luck can get way higher than before. I was browsing jewelry a night or so ago that had upwards of 2000 luck.

So once again, I have to update my jewelry. Stay tuned for that fun experience. *grumble grumble*